Duane Bickett’s Final SDHBA Report…
Duane Bickett
I’m sure by now most members have heard or read about the size and success of our recent International Builders Show and Design and Construction Week held in Las Vegas in late February. All the stats from this year’s show are above all expectations in their categories. First is attendance, moving this year’s show into the lead over 2009 with over 105,000 attendees. Combined with the National Kitchen and Bath Show (KBIS), the show floor had over1.5 million square feet of display space with 2240 exhibitors. The international groups are coming back to the show after the post-Covid disruptions. Poland led the groups with the most exhibitors and attendees, edging out China for the first time in recent memory.
The post-show survey of exhibitors showed great satisfaction, with many exhibitors already signed up for next year’s show. Overall, a great show for attendees, exhibitors, and NAHB’s budget.
Some highlights of the business part of the show: NAHB continues to put pressure on the administration to increase the use of emergency powers to get more electrical transformers into the market to get buildable lots online for the spring building season, and the anticipated jump in housing starts due to interest rate declines by fall. The administration chose to use the Emergency Powers Act to research and develop energy-efficient electric stoves and ranges.
Due to the erratic nature of the enforcement and interpretation of the Waters of the US (WOTUS), NAHB passed a resolution to speed up the approval of permits and start better understanding the current regulations. Key among them is a resolution by NAHB to put a 60-day limit on decisions by the EPA. Once all information has been gathered and submitted and all questions answered, the EPA will have 60 days to act on the permit, or it is automatically approved. We’ve yet to hear the EPA’s response.
After the show, Congress passed a budget to continue funding the government through September. Due to persistent lobbying efforts by NAHB, the funding for Job Corp was included in the bill. This also fully funds HBI’s efforts to train more skilled tradespeople for the building industry.
On the Public Relations front, the work continues to educate members and the administration on the faults in the 2021 International Building Code due to regulations to increase energy efficiency well beyond the reasonable time frames it takes to achieve any payback of the initial cost. Training programs are in place to train members in the code changes in the 2024 code: NAHB’s preferred methods.
The Washington Post came out with an editorial outlining the increases in the cost of homes under the 2021 codes. Also, working with HBI to show that there are 490,000 to 500,000 construction jobs open, with a huge number of skilled workers in the US retiring every day!
The new NAHB strategic plan was unveiled at the meetings with much enthusiasm from the members, Senior Officers, and staff. It is an interesting read and available on NAHB.org. The Area 10 Caucus discussed the success of the Area 10 Leadership Training held last fall in Minneapolis and plans for next year’s event.
The Area 10 Reception was a success as we hosted members of our 5 states as well as the student chapters that attended the show. Tim Ruth from Iowa concluded his 2-year term as National Area Chairman and turned over the caucus leadership to Don Dabbert from North Dakota, who was also elected NAC Moderator for their group. Thank you to Tim for his leadership, and welcome and congratulations to Don on his election.
After 38 years, approximately 150 State Board meetings, 20 years of service as State Rep and National Area Chairman, this is my last report to the Board of Directors of the SDHBA. I leave you in the very capable hands of our new State Rep, Jordan Hefner of Sioux Falls. I have all the confidence in the world in Jordan to help lead our group into the future and congratulate him on his Young Professional of the Year award presented to him at this year’s IBS.
As I contemplated my retirement from the SDHBA board, I was graciously offered and accepted an alternate Builder Director position due to my membership and involvement in the Black Hills Home Builders Association. I will continue to work on some exciting new programs with our student chapters and the Workforce Development Committee. I am and was honored to serve the members of the SDHBA on the State and National levels and have formed lifelong friendships with many great people across our state. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the building industry all these years.
Duane Bickett
Past SDHBA State Representative
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